Life is very good. And, life being very good, it would not do to let this blog die. Especially as I have heard that it gets printed out and mailed in certain situations. Shout out to Wichita!
Please forgive the long absence. The hot season really beat me down. Then in June, I got a few really odd illnesses. I'd been pretty cocky since my arrival in January. Everyone told me, "Oh, you're going to get sick sooner or later. Expect it." But I was incredibly lucky. I avoided food poisoning or anything more serious than a head cold for more than five months! But things caught up with me, and I felt like I spent most of June either sick or recovering from being sick.
July I was busy with not being sick, not going to the gym and planning every last detail of a vacation to France. It was wonderful. And then August was vacation and September was spent getting caught up with work and doing another training in D.C. It's been busy, but good. Now, it is mid-October, which means that my parents are each another year older (but move as sprightly as ever).
So, I figure it's time to get caught up. If I do a little each day this week, I'll be caught up in no time. Here are some photos I took back in July once the rainy season had started. The rains cooled things off and turned the city green. I went up to the hills surrounding Bamako to take photos of the gardens, the flowers and the GREEN. It was welcome.
The view looking down at the city. After months of dust and heat, it was great to hear the birds chirping -- and you couldn't always see them because of the density of the foliage!
One of the pretty gardens, all lush and watered.
One of the walls looking down the other side of the escarpment away from Bamako towards Kati and Kita.
More photos from the garden walkways on the top of the plateau. This is a popular place to take wedding photos. Most of the times I've been up here, I'm always double-checking to make sure I'm not accidentally ruining the wedding party's shot!
We do not have flowers like this where I am from.
Or trees like this. But I like them!